Flag Counter

Tablou de bord PC Basic

Tablou de bord-partea superioara

Imaginea de mai sus ne arata sectiunea de sus a tabloului de bord Profitclicking. Contine urmatoarele link-uri:

Member ID: numarul de referinta
Referrer: numele celui care te-a inscris
Your ProfitClicking Advertising Websites: link spre site-urile de promovare ProfitClicking.
Your ProfitClicking Advertising Banners: link spre banerele de promovare ProfitClicking.
Level 1 upgrade: upgrade la nivelul 1
Level 2 upgrade: upgrade la nivelul 2
Level 3 upgrade: upgrade la nivelul 3
Pay nothing-Make Thounsands Daly: (link)Platesti nimic-cistigi mii de dolari zilnic - ajuti pe altii sa inteleaga si sa cistige in ProfitClicking
Buy Basic Ad Packages: aici cumperi pachetele publicitare
Buy Basic Panels: aici cumperi paneluri ProfitClicking
Be a millionaire:invata sa intelegi sistemul ProfitClicking
Two ways to make money: doua cai de a face bani cu ProfitClicking
Green Light System: evidenta operatiilor efectuate cu procesoarele de plati
Premium System Lunch: diferentele dintre PC Basic si PC Premium ( o oportunitate recenta lansata de ProfitClicking)
Message Center: arhiva mesajelor transmise de ProfitClicking
Money Monitor: evidenta cistigurilor zilnice
ProfitClicking is Paying: dovezi de plati - bannere aparute in diverse anunturi

Tablou de bord-partea centrala

Cea mai importanta sectiune a tabloului de bord ProfitClicking. Contine:

Buy Gift Cards: cumperi carduri cadou de 10$
When you receive a Gift Cards thid card will flash: cind vei primi un Card Cadou aceasta imagine va fi de tip flash
Calculate your potential earnings: calculator pentru cistigurile potentiale la o oricare suma investita in ProfitClicking
My acount: contul meu - editeaza profilul tau: informatii user, informatii generale, procesorul de plati folosit, numele folosit in camera de conferinte online, site-uri afiliate, foto etc.
MY WALLET: portofelul electronic. Contine cistigurile realizate prin cumpararea de pachete publicitare si paneluri PC precum si transferurile monetare de la acestea catre portofel (wallet) si de la procesoarele de plati.
My gift cards: banii investiti in carduri cadou
My referral: evidenta membrilor inscrisi personal: date de contact, sume cistigate, etc.
My ad packages: evidenta pachetelor publicitare cumparate precum si detalii financiare
Basic PC Panels: link spre adminstrarea panelurilor PC
Make money telling others:fa bani spunind altora despre ProfitClicking
Training Center: centrul de training
Buy Basic Ads: cumperi pachete publicitare
Daily sales commissions per Ad Packages A: cistigurile zilnice per pachet fara weekend
Daily sales commissions per Ad Packages B: cistigurile zilnice per pachet in weekend
Total purchased ad pachages: numarul total de pachete cumparate
Total placed ad packages: totalul pachetelor plasate in sistem
Active ad packages: pachete active
Expire ad packages: pachete expirate
Curent sales commissions: comisionul primit functie de pachetele active
Total sales commissions from Expire ad packages: comisionul total primit functie de pachetele active
Level 1 commissions: comisionul primit de la membrii inscrisi personal de pe primul nivel
Level 1 commissions: comisionul primit de la membrii inscrisi personal de pe nivelul doi
Total value of purchased pachages: valoarea totala a pachetelor cumparate
Total value of active pachages: valoarea totala a pachetelor active
Total commissions to date: comisionul total primit pina in prezent 
Currently in your account: suma curenta din cont
Purchased panels: numarul de paneluri cumparate
Purchased accelerators: numarul de acceleratoare cumparate
Purchased Turbo Upgrades: numarul de upgrad-uri Turbo cumparate
Purchased Nitro Upgrades: numarul de upgrad-uri Nitro cumparate
Active Panels: numarul de panel-uri active
Expired Panels: numarul de panel-uri expirate
Current Payout per expired Panels: 

Bottom of the Profit Clicking dashboard

Profit Clicking Dashboard Bottom Understanding The Profit Clicking Dashboard

This image shows what’s at the bottom of the dashboard.   In this area of the dashboard are the following links:
Traffic Exchange
View Ads
Terms of Service
My Traffic Stats
In that dark blue area seen at the bottom of the image there are also links to the Online Payment Processors used by Profit Clicking, such as:
(If you have not already signed up for any of the above payment processors, please click on the names to be taken to the respective sign up page.)
Also in that dark blue area are more links.  Among them a link to the Live Video Conference 24/7 which is a very good place to visit for newbies and seasoned Profit Clicking members alike as one can learn a whole lot there.  In fact everything that I have learned so far about Profit Clicking and theProfit Clicking dashboard I learnt right there.  You should spend a bit of time there too.

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